Data Science in Telecommunication Industry

 Data Science in Telecommunication Industry

What is Telecommunication

When communicating over long distances it requires some median for a message to travel within, by definition of telecommunication exchange of information like voice, data and video transmission over big distances by electronic means. Today's country relies on telecommunication to support its businesses and daily tasks. The telecommunication industry is one the most important for any country, mostly countries heavily rely on this industry which plays an important part in country's growth. the nation survivability decreases if the mode of communication is weak. Today's fast pace life has its own requirement every thing at your door step just at a blink of an eye has only been possible because of today's vast and advance telecommunication network. The world is global village only because of the telecommunication sector and its capability to excel scalability like of its own. 

Evolving of Problem in Telecommunication

The benefits of telecommunication industry comes with it's challenges and difficulties as well. The telecom industry comprises of huge infrastructures and man power to rely on. The infrastructure requires continues maintenance and upgradation as well. Telecom infrastructure consumes costs heavily in the form of energy consumption, labour cost and system failures. The basic telecom infrastructure consists of two ends (station) each end capable of receiving and transmitting of data, but since the telecom companies spent billions and billions to retain the customer retention it is necessary to develop infrastructure that is capable enough to support with this much of capacity. 

    If the system capacity is not enough to deliver than the chances of customer retention are very low. The competitive market and the flexibility to switch to any other network will definitely result in losing the customers, when talking about customers it mean the behavior can be observed over a millions of user at a time. Telecom company seeks ways, how they can have customer retention. Churn technology is one of the data science technique applicable in telecom industry to monitor customer retention.

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