What is Relationship definition?

      A relationship is described as the state of the connection between two or more than two people or things. The definition of the relationship itself says how two or more people or things are connected, or the state of being connected. The behavior towards each other describes the nature of the relationship. This discussion tends to offer a more comprehensive review of relationships between people. Relationship to explain does not contain a theoretical chapter in life. The relationships are consist with a reason to live that are always measured by unseen entities such as believe, love, trust, and its level between each other.

How relationships are formed?

     The purpose of being together between people, forms the relationship. When a common interest is in existence and common thinking is present between the two, it is likely to say that people will be much closer to each other. Ultimately, the basis of a relationship is rooted in the question of why does someone want to spend time with someone? But sometimes the relationships are already provided by nature, like a family where a bond is pre-created, This form of relationship is free from any questions, In this type of blood relationship there is no strange part.     

    A relationship comprises several factors. Time, purpose, talking, sacrifices, trust, respect, emotions and feelings all together describe the nature of the bond that is formed between the two people. It starts from the time as a basic question: Why would someone spend time with somebody? Spending time together in a relationship makes the relation sustain its worth and shows the relation that it is still up and running. People will always love to spend more time with the one they are comfortable with. The relationship gap is narrowed down between the two when a lot of talking happens. It is talking which accept the responsibility in relation to where sharing of sentiments and feelings are given up. Communication has to be there to play its part, having a healthy discussion time to time will get people away from the communication gap ultimately ending any sort of misunderstandings. The trust factor is only built up when people get to know each other better, it contributes a sturdy base to start a relationship.

How to build healthy relationship?

     There is nothing in this world which could stop the cycle of sacrifices for anyone. It is twenty-four/seven any time anywhere because if people care for somebody they will do whatever time and situation demands to make for a healthy relationship. When the power to sacrifice stops, then it starts to get nearer to the end where people are no longer apart. Give respect to others, to have respect, allows the society to be freed from annoyance and racism. Attention makes people think they are not being neglected. Honor helps people feel their presence is welcomed. The stone of the relationship remains stone until the tools of admirable love and willingness to sacrifice, transforms it into the monument of a relationship.

What is good relationship?


    The relationship stays when willingness to sacrifice for each other stays alive. People may find their link much stronger when need and feel in relation is demanded in hard times. Proven connection is those which remains in every up and down that life has to offer. The test of relationship never ends for anybody. The real sense of strengthening relations is found by looking at the two entities how much loyalty towards each other is profound in them. Having a strong bond gets beyond more than what has been explained, the real thing behind is the mindset and good positive thinking for each other. A good daily routine identifies the quality of life.

What is weak relationship?


      Misunderstandings are the starting point which leaves to relationship gaps. At the time of aggression and frustration space between the two helps things settle down. When not giving space, when needed unresolved matter becomes disasters. Negativity and hatred works as a catalyst for the dismissal of any relation. When, more negativity remains in the mind it changes the behavior. If there is no mutual cause to live together than relationships barely survive. No relationship can survive in the long-term if one person is selfish in any type of relationship than eventually greediness, personal self interest of its own, cheating, corruption, and deceit will eventually be the part of this relationship ending in destruction The habits they share identified these weaknesses for each other. Everything in life is not perfect all the time for all the people, it's in the hands of the people to make things perfect as they desire. The time and quality they share with each other, are the measures to know at what stage of the relationship they are sharing.

Importance of Relationship.

       Life has no importance without association. The first and far most valuable thing which makes life a life is relationship. A human alone in this world is not independent, it has never been and never will be. Human beings depend on each other from the day first till the time they die, and this is the universal law existed everywhere. To have being and to make everyone surrounds living humankind to make a living. Some are close to each other and the rest of them stay strangers to each other. We only found the worth of the relationship when there is no one nearby to care for, when you have nobody around you can share feelings with. Humans cannot have a sense of completeness without getting involved in a relationship of any sort. Their acquaintance always provides A true judgment of a person. When decisions alone are made than the judgments are weak because one cannot see from all the angle need to have a good understanding of a point. To make better decisions, people look at things from a different perspective, that's why humans depend on others for their opinion.

   The relationship provides a peaceful life. Happiness will be a part of those living in certain relationships, whether it is about family, friends or any else. It serves people in many ways, but mostly these benefits remain unnoticed. The importance of the relationship is observed in darkened people's lives with unfilled oceans of happiness lying dead deep in the minds, where the deserted heart has nothing but the heat of hatred, because only when lowliness becomes the shadow and keeps existence away from all the relations. Sharing of excitement, sharing of thoughts, quality of time in life, happiness, endless laughs, smiles, joy, affection and love, all these beautiful attributes of life are available only when one is surrounded by individuals in a relationship with someone. When laughing alone, people consider this as an act of insanity.

'At the end of the day, the rain of happiness shower upon only on those people who have not taken shelter in the shadow of loneliness."


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