To ease the work of day-to-day lives this world has reached the point where new era of machine has taken place of our work. Electronic devices like mobile tablets video games and consoles etc.. you name it, but not using these devices might help you stay healthy, in other words 'Unhealthy Devices' these devices may look much beneficial to us but has some serious issues that needs to get counter. From psychological health to physical disabilities it has all of them, besides the microwaves it carries it among the deadliest of all, discussing these issues might give it a positive start, starting of an effort where it's use gets regularize by certain rules and law for good being of our societies. This writing is here to highlight some of the health related issues with it. In the name of benefits what really we are losing is important to know.

Psychological disadvantage of using digital devices.

     Not using or limiting the use of these devices will help get people psychologic more strong. Brain damages, When American research showing that the average touches to our smart phones is more than 2000 times a day and studies from the UK alarming that average screen time is 220 times a day it is changing our mental health. excessive use of smart phones and video games etc causes some of the chemical to released more than needed. Dopamine and melatonin are the chemical whose excessive release in our brain causes us to behave other than expected. Dopamine is the chemical which is responsible to make us feel rewarding or relaxing. When devices cause these chemicals  released much excessively, it sets our level of feeling rewarding higher, this causes us to get in to the sense of depression and anxiety from other things such as in our relation and our achievements because by the time we reach certain joyfully events in our life to feel  more relaxing rewarding, release of dopamine does not meet the level of need that we are already used to it. some of the after effects show how relation ship suffer. mostly user getting less productive on daily basis. Daily routine getting changed completely, using it at bed time puts you in the state of sleep deprivation. Any psychologist when assessing any patient should include the amount of use and what he looks at in the report of patients. 

Energy Loss

If you ever wonder why I am feeling so tired after using any electronic device, even if you were just using it for entertainment, it is because it drains your energy real fast. Mobile phones or tablets occupy your brain, and the amount of energy used is enormous. This is the reason for tiring, just having a small entertainment session or just checking for notifications leaves you so tired after you end.

Physical disadvantage of using digital devices.

    Hand injuries and constant looking toward your phone while holding it also causes spine injuries. Shoulder pain by holding your smart phones and tablets for too long are some common injuries. finger injuries such mostly your thumb starts to get a bit more shaky when using your phone restlessly. Hand injuries it changes the pattern the way user tends to hold things. As discussed above the microwave that mobile carriers are harmful for the body. The user should avoid keeping mobile phones attached to the body.

Ethical issues involved in digital devices.

    Things which are invented to have a fair use has now become a status of luxury. Spending thousands  more than what one should be paying it for. Wasting more time rather than getting more productive. The smart should not be permit to carry and take of photos of any one and any where around disturbing privacy of some one and some body.

    It has been a addiction of next level, where we can easily see how dangerously it is affecting over daily routine. Destroying our discipline and affecting more on our thoughts. How a small piece of electronic equipment that has enable us to live in this 21st century world has also enabled these things as an artificial part of our body. Limiting the use is no where around. It has been the worst mental obsession that people are going through now. These devices attacks on concentration power of people.


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