To publicly allow the consumer to have knowledge of what the product and services are is known as marketing. The definition itself is the action or business of promoting and selling of product or services. The trend of marketing grew as industrialization started to increase in size. The market itself is a dead investment into the product because it consumes capital, but does not return money rather returns the surety for a good number of sells.

Why marketing is done?

     It is done to make sure the products meet where the need is, long story short to meet the need. When production is done on a very large scale, then the seller would also like to sell to the massive consumer market as well. It is not the consumer itself who in search of the product will come to know about a manufacturer's goods, it becomes the responsibility of the producer to make the voice reach out to the millions of people before it starts to sell. It is the basic necessary need of any brand to withstand the competition. It helps the brands to ensure their existence in the market. It helps the brand to settle down in the minds of the people. Marketing tries to support liability for the brand name that is not fake. Marketing adds value to the brand and describes its standards which ultimately give its designated space in the marketplace. To remain on the competitive edge marketing is done. Marketing is done to influence the consumer decision and turns the decision in favor so it can buy the good.

         The start of selling any product or providing services to any business always starts from marketing. The first step of selling goods to a big market is by marketing because it insures some amount of share in the market. To run the business cycle marketing will always be the point from where to proceed after one round is done.

How to start marketing?

   While marketing the product, the nature of the consumer should be kept in mind first. The manufacturer needs to show what consumer benefits are present in the product, not the benefits of the product itself. Showing the consumer what he needs is in the product not the product itself only. A study should be conducted to know what the consumer behavior is towards the same creation that the competitors are selling. A complete survey should be conducted to know the purchasing power of the people and the total amount of money the market has in it. It should always be kept in mind that it is the customer first than the product. 

Different methods of marketing.

Marketing methods are not limited by any means it can be performed in many ways. This could be an activity or a seminar. From the old days till today's ultramodern techniques, some are explained below :

To advertise: Companies can advertise anywhere they want. TV channels, sports stadiums and matches. Most companies try to publish their ads where public attention is guaranteed. Activity like short videos, posted to describe what they tend to offer.

Digital marketing: It is a form of marketing not much different from placing ads on the television channels, but it is a modern day term used for every sort of digital media present in today's world. Social media drives like email, viral videos and some social media campaigners in the form of vloggers and bloggers.

Static marketing: It is accomplished by handing out pamphlets and with the help of road side sign boards.

SMS marketing: It was performed mostly when the era of short message services was new to everyone. It has limited capacity in terms of explaining the primary purpose, and not many people tend to see their sms anymore.

Telemarketing: It is done with the help of phone calls and mostly call centers in this era of telecommunication do offer services for their products to strengthen the sales on a contractual ground.

There are more categories of marketing methods, that are available as explained above.

Strategies for marketing.

     Strategies of marketing differ from product to product and audience to audience. When concentrating on a regional level, the game plan is different. Manufacturers will not aspire to spend more cash than required. Static or digital marketing will be more than sufficient. 

    When focusing on country level marketing means changes from static marketing to national television channels, where they play an important role or places where national audience attraction is accessible most of the time.    

    When the largest scale is the world itself than it has to be more than channels or static publicity. On the world scale each and every weapon of attention has its importance, everything is utilized for promotion.

Modern day trend of marketing and its effectiveness.  

       The Internet and its affiliate things has left its trademark in the world like no other. The byproduct of the Internet has given it a redesigned way to market. Some common trends among the internet are ad service provider companies, such as Google and its product YouTube. Companies have hired some users of social media platforms to advertise their goods.

      This type of marketing style has given more independence to the marketing world. People will not find many rules and regulations governing these advertisers. The way they wish to portray their goods, they have the freedom to do it, respect to the audience marketers can show to anybody they want and anywhere they want. Marketing through Social media users has improved over older methods. It is not so expensive and happens to be less taxed as well.


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