
This world has met many hidden discoveries, some good and some made bad. The art of copying without permission is what known as cheating in general. By definition cheating is an advantage gained by unfair means.

How Cheating Starts?

   Cheating starts when hardworking or hard worker stops. Doing hard work or becoming a hard worker is not as easy this is the point from where the people find different ways of completing their work. Cheating is among those different ways. It is useless to get into the depth from where it originates or from where it all started, it is the thing which ends a system of merit and creates a parallel system of inequality and injustice against a fair game of merit. This hard work is what builds up the society. You can not have a strong society built without protecting the efforts made by the hard worker. The world today that we see the daily thing that we use is the result of someone's great effort. Imagine the same world with people who were not eligible put into same designations where eligible are? 

      It is obvious that the one committing this act is never going to be as equal as the one who works hard. Around us there are many empowered persons involved in this act some involved in cheating with many peoples' lives and other busy in cheating to make some money. 

Cheating in Relationship.

   If you look at the cheating in a relationship, you will find fights all along, broken relationship, whether, what so ever stage of life they are on. The internet has mostly filled up of things where cheating in relationships is discussed most. All the broken relationship broke at some point of life. Relationships do not break instantly. At some point in the life, people do realize that the tolerance level exceeds its limit and then when it happens. Cheating in relationship breaks the main founding stone of trust which cannot put together once again.

How Cheating Starts?

    But why does it happen? This act of cheating only presumes itself when endless wishes and attractions reaches heights of desire for people hard to resist for themselves from what they want and what they need, by any means, putting effort in every direction to get the satisfaction of having what the desire most. We can make the difference between goods and bad it’s us who could create it.

"Ones thinking determines the capability of act. What you think, is what you do"


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