A deeply engraved obsession for something, A habit that has influence over mind more than anything else, sometimes having good effects and mostly unsatisfactory. You will find the definition as the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance or activity. The term addiction is associated with the bad things most of the time. Drugs, alcohol and some illegal activity people will find this word associated with it.

    Addiction could be of more or less for good things as well, but for some reason all the history belonged to this word has linked together with negativity. What about good addiction? People are fond of reading a lot, we don't find more people, but it is true for reading, going to the gym and body building addiction for staying healthy and smart, the newest trend people are witnessing.

    This phenomenon occurring naturally, why can't be use for the good. If addiction is useful, for children to study in their schools no one see the literacy rate decreasing than. If addiction can offer a good influence for the right things such as sport, then drugs are out of their way. If this natural phenomenon is utilized for good soul purposes than definitely it is worthwhile, but it is not happening until now because it is always for good things you need to get devoted to it first, people are supposed to take the first step themselves, they need to struggle a bit for adopting good thing as a habit and in the case of addiction for unworthy things it seems to give easy relaxation at first, until the side effects start to show up.

How to get addicted to good things?

   Good things can be made addictive by making it realize the importance and not letting any second thought-provoking against it. It is a matter of reward in bad thing people have it as soon as they hit the addictive substance or activity, but when working for something good it is not instant. Addiction towards the good needs rewards, which starts from the appreciation, acceptance of high pride and something which have a physical existence, like in school and colleges when people get rewarded by giving some sort of certificate or trophy. A reward in the form of cash prices mean more than any things for any achiever. Indulging people in some sort of good activities and shaping a culture of it will help to build up a society to decrease the number of unacceptable scenarios. 


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